This is a VMS version of LARN 12.3. To run it, larndir must be defined as a logical name that points to the directory containing the support files (LARN.MAZ, LARN.HLP, etc). Larn looks for LARN.OPT in SYS$LOGIN. VMS Version 5.x may be required. The first entry in the file (1000) can be the wizard if the password is known (same password as in MS-DOS edition; see LARN122.DOC). The sources have been compiled with termcap. It will look for the termcap file either through the logical name "termcap", in the current directory as "termcap.", or as "sys$library:termcap." If there is a symbol or logical called "term" then the value of that will be used for the terminal, otherwise the value from "terminal" will be used. This version includes VMS Keypad support on VT class terminals. The keypad keys must be set to application mode (SET TERM/APPLICATION) in order for LARN to recognise the keys. It is not necessary to set the KEYPAD option in the LARN.OPT file. The key mappings are: PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 '@' KP7 KP8 KP9 KP- 'y' 'k' 'u' KP4 KP5 KP6 KP, 'h' '.' 'l' ',' ^ KP1 KP2 KP3 KP 'K' 'b' 'j' 'n' Enter < v > KP0 KP. 'H' 'J' 'L' 'i' '.' Keypad mode occasionally seems flakey, especially on DECTerms. Until I can re-work it, this will have to do. Customization of the keypad is not currently supported. Kevin Routley